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CBG Tinctures

Hempology CBD Store

CBG is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid, meaning it doesn’t produce the “highs” that are synonymous with THC. Amazingly, however, THC and CBD start out as CBG—it’s the chemical parent of THC and CBD

CBG binds to the 5HT1A receptor in our brains, which has been shown to improve learning abilities and memory. Moreover, CBG binds to the TRPV1 and TRPV2 receptors, both of which are crucial to pain sensations & management. Studies have shown when CBG binds to the TPRV1 receptor, the receptor helps tell the body to reduce inflammation and moderate pain signals. Moreover, activation of the TRPV2 receptor can reduce pain, but it also can regulate glucose levels.

CBG can also stimulate GPR55, and as a result, there can be a reduction in inflammatory pain and neuropathic pain.



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